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Indian Economy ভারতের অর্থনীতি 

1.  Which of the following country have the highest productivity of rice?
(a)  United kingdom
(b)  USA
(c)  Australia
(d)  China✔️

2.  Which of the following is not the fibre crop?
(a)  Cotton
(b)  Jute
(c)  Mesta
(d)  None of these✔️

3.  Which of the following is the correct order, (from higher to lower) of coffee producing states in India?
(a)  Kerala- Karnataka-Tamil Nadu
(b)   Karnataka- Kerala-TamilNadu✔️
(c)  Maharashtra-Tamil Nadu-Kerala
(d)  None of these

4.  Which of the following is included in the Horticulture?
(a)  Pomology
(b)  Olericulture
(c)  Floriculture
(d)  All of the above✔️

5.  Which of the following is the top fruits producer in India?
(a)  Gujarat 
(b)  Andhra Pradesh
(c)  Maharashtra✔️
(d)  Himachal Pradesh

6.  Which of the following is the biggest source of Vitamin A?
(a)  Papaya
(b)  Mango✔️
(c)  Sunflower
(d)  Apple

7.  Which of the following statement is not correct?
(a)  China is the largest mango producer in the world
(b)  Karnataka has the highest food productivity in India
(c)  Himachal Pradesh is the biggest producer of fruits in India
(d)  Maharashtra is the biggest producer of banana in India.✔️

8.  Which of the following fruit is produced in the largest area of India?
(a)  Mango✔️
(b)  Banana
(c)  Apple
(d)  Guava

9.  Which of the following statement is not correct regarding banana?
(a)  India is the biggest producer in the world
(b)  It contains 27% carbohydrates
(c)  Tamil Nadu is the biggest producer of it.
(d)  Amrapali is the finest variety of banana.✔️

10. What is the largest spice producing state in India.
(a)  Kerala✔️
(b)  Andhra Pradesh
(c)  Rajasthan
(d)  Kashmir

11. Which of the following is the largest canal irrigated states in India?
(a) Haryana
(b) Rajasthan✔️
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Punjab

12. Which three states are the top three producers of food grains in India? 
(a) U.P., Punjab, Madhya Pradesh✔️ 
(b) Punjab, U.P., Madhya Pradesh 
(c) Madhya Pradesh, U.P., Punjab, 
(d) U.P., Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh 

13. Which of the following is the biggest tank irrigated state in India?
(a) Tami Nadu
(b) Karnataka
(c) Andhra Pradesh✔️
(d) Odisha

14. When was the first agriculture census of India conducted?
(a) 1880
(b) 1890
(c) 1921
(d) 1970✔️

15. Which of the following is covered in the ISOPOM scheme?
(a) Oilseeds
(b) Pulses
(c) Maize
(d) All of the above✔️

16. The newly released CSR-43 is a seed crop of-------
(a) Tea
(b) Wheat
(c) Rice✔️
(d) Maize

17. Which of the following is the main source of irrigation in India? 
(a) Tubewells✔️? 
(b) Canal
(c) Tanks
(d) Rivers

18. Who of the following is considered the father of community development programmes in India?
(a) Vinoba bhabe
(b) Bindeshwar Pathak
(c) Dr. Ambedkar
(d) S.K.Dey✔️

19. Which of the three Indian states have least population of poor in the country?
(a) Kerala, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab✔️
(b) Punjab, Delhi and Himachal Pradesh 
(c) Sikkim, Kerala and Gujarat 
(d) Maharashtra, Kerala and Haryana 

20. Which of the following is the biggest producer of Food grain in the world?
(a) India
(b) China✔️
(c) USA
(d) Brazil

21.  In census 2011, which of the following have minimum density of population?
(a)  Bihar
(b)  Kerala 
(c)  Goa
(d)  Arunachal Pradesh✔️

22.  Which of the following tax is imposed by the state government?
(a)  Gift tax
(b)  Property tax✔️
(c)  Road tax
(d)  None of these

23.  Which of the following is not matched correctly?
(a)  IFCI established : 1948
(b)  NABARD established : 1982✔️
(c)  EXIM Bank established :1988
(d)  SIDBI established : 1990

24.  Balance of payment includes only in its calculation.
(a)  Visible goods 
(b)  Invisible goods
(c)  Both a & b✔️
(d)  None of these

25.  Which of the following statement is correct?
(a)  Balance of trade includes only invisible goods.
(b)  Balance of payment is always in equilibrium in accounting sense✔️
(c)  When export exceeds the import the balance of payment is termed as unfavourable
(d)  When local currency devaluates the exported quantity of the domestic country decreases

26.  Appreciation of domestic currency means--------------------
(a)  Value of domestic currency increases✔️
(b)  Value of domestic currency decreases
(c)  First increases then decreases
(d)  First decreases then increases

27.  Inflation is situation in which🖊️
(a)  Value of money decreases✔️
(b)  Value of money increases
(c)  First increases then decreases
(d)  First decreases then increases

28.  Why a government does devaluation of its currency?
(a)  To increase export
(b)  To reduce import
(c)  To decrease export
(d)  Both a & b✔️

29.  Which of the following statement is not correct?
(a)  Birth rate is number of the births per thousand of the population during a year.
(b)  Blue chip is a company which does not guarantee about the return on an investment✔️
(c)  Bull is a persons who is  optimistic about the share market
(d)  Boom is a situation of an economy in which price and employment are the maximum

30.  What kind of unemployment is found in the agricultural sector of India?
(a)  Situational 
(b)  Voluntary 
(c)  Frictional 
(d)  Disguise✔️

31. Which bank, takes care of agriculture & rural finance.
(a) IDBI
(b) IFC
(c) RBI
(d) NABARD✔️

32. What is CRR?
(a) The rate at which commercial banks borrow money from the Reserve Bank of India.
(b) The rate at which RBI borrow money from the commercial banks.
(c) It’s a rate at which RBI decides the sale and purchase of capital assets with foreign banks.
(d) It’s a proportion of cash, the commercial banks have to deposit with the RBI.✔️

33. Who imposes corporation tax in India?
(a) State govt.
(b) Central govt.✔️
(c) State and central both
(d) Local govt.

34. Dunkel draft is related to---------
(a) Associated with uruguay round✔️
(b) Related to atomic treaty among nations
(c) Related to super 301
(d) Related to check drug trade

35. Who designed the symbol of Indian rupee?
(a) Rakesh kumar
(b) Udit raj
(c) D. Uday kumar✔️
(d) Dr. Raj kumar

36. Who had given the concept of zero based budgeting?
(a) Peter drucker
(b) Peter Pyhrr✔️
(c) Jagdish bhagwati
(d) None of these

37. Who develops and updates Global hunger Index?
(b) WTO
(c) FAO
(d) International Food Policy Research Institute✔️

38. ‘ECOMARK’ a symbol is related to-------------------------------
(a) Agricultural goods
(b) Manufacturing goods
(c) Goods of best quality
(d) Goods safe for environment✔️

39. What kind of convertibility of currency is permitted in India?
(a) Capital account
(b) Current account
(c) Both a& b✔️
(d) Partial in both a & b

40.  Which of the following regulates the working of share markets in India?
(a)  MRTP Act
(b)  FERA
(c)  FEMA
(d)  None of these✔️

41.  Which of the following panel was appointed to put forward recommendations of 'GAAR' ?
(a)  Reddy panel
(b)  P. Shome panel✔️
(c)  Rangarajan panel
(d)  None of these

42.  SDR is the currency of IMF, which is called as also-------
(a)  White gold
(b)  Book keeping entry only
(c)  Paper gold✔️
(d)  Yellow metal

43.  What is mcx-sx?
(a)  Third online trading share market in India✔️
(b)  A new insurance company which is not registered with the government yet.
(c)  Online trading market on paper only.
(d)  Online trading market dealing only in gold.

44.  Open market operations (OMOs) are related to…….
(a)  Fiscal policy
(b)  Monetary policy✔️
(c)  Labour policy
(d)  Agricultural policy 

45.  Who regulates finance market in India?
(a)  Ministry of finance
(b)  Reserve bank of India 
(c)  Ministry of trade and commerce
(d)  SEBI(1982) ✔️

46.  Which of the following is a credit rating agency?
(a)  CRO
(b)  IBRD
(c)  ICRA✔️
(d)  IRDA

47.  When was COPRA implemented in India?
(a)  1984
(b)  1985
(c)  1986✔️
(d)  1987

48.  The rate at which the RBI gives short term Loan to commercial banks?
(a)  Bank rate
(b)  Repo rate✔️
(c)   Reverse Repo Rate
(d)  Prime lending rate

49.  Which of the following is a direct tax?
(a)  Corporation tax✔️
(b)  Custom duty
(c)  Excise duty
(d)  Service tax

50. Which of the following is the biggest contributor in India’s foreign exchange reserve?
(a) Special drawing rights
(b) Gold
(c) Reserve with IMF
(d) Foreign exchange assets✔️

51. Which of the following is NOT true about service tax in India?
(a) It was started in 1994-95
(b) Currently its rate is 15%
(c) It is the biggest contributor of Indian GDP
(d) All of the above are incorrect✔️

52. Which of the following tax is imposed by the central government but collected and kept by the state governments?
(a) Excise duty
(b) Custom duty
(c) Stamp duty✔️
(d) Wealth tax

53. Who among the following never hold the office of  chairman of finance commission?
(a) Pranab Mukherjee✔️
(b) Mahaveer Tyagi
(c) K.C. Pant
(d) C. Rangarajan

54. Which of the following statement is not true about Indian budget 2016-17?
(a) Government spends 10% share of its revenue on defense and subsidy each
(b) Share to states in terms of tax and duties is the biggest item of expenditure
(c) Revenue from Corporation tax is more than income tax.
(d) Revenue from excise duty is more than income tax✔️

55. Closed economy is that economy, where------------------------------------
(a) Deficit financing take place
(b) Money supply is controlled by the monetary authority 
(c) Neither export nor import is allowed in the economy✔️
(d) Only export take place

56. The head quarter of World Bank is situated at….
(a) Geneva
(b) Washington D.C.✔️
(c) New York
(d) Hague 

57. What is the mean of Population density?
(a) No. of persons in a village
(b) Ratio of population living in rural and urban areas
(c) No. of persons living per square K.M.✔️
(d) No. of persons living per K.M.

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