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হরমোন (HORMONE)

হরমোন Hormone



1. Which two hormones are released from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland?
A) ADH and GH
B) ACTH and TSHhormon          
C) ADH and oxytocin✔️
D) TRH and CRH

2. Hormones released by nerve cells of the - - - - - regulate hormones secreted by the - - - - - 
A) hypothalamus, anterior pituitary✔️
B) hypothalamus, posterior pituitary
C) anterior pituitary, hypothalamus
D) cerebellum, posterior pituitary

3. What is the function of insulin?
A) agonistic to glucagon
B) decreases glycogen storage in liver and muscle
C) reduces hyperglycemia✔️
D) all of the above

4. Which of these hormones is secreted in the liver?
A) renin
B) somatomedin✔️
C) erythropoietin
D) estrogen

5. What is the name of the stalk that connects the hypothalamus to the pituitary?
A) cerebral cortex
B) anterior
C) corpus callosum
D) infundibulum✔️

6. What is the ultimate purpose of hormones?
A) to maintain growth
B) to keep the brain functioning
C) to stimulate metabolism
D) none of the above✔️

7. Which statement is false?
A) the endocrine system is composed of ductless glands
B) contents of the endocrine system are released into the bloodstream
C) the mammory gland is part of the endocrine system✔️
D) exocrine glands are not part of the endocrine system

8. What is another name for thyroxine?
A) tetraiodothyronine✔️
B) thyroid
C) thymus
D) triiodothyronine

9. What is the target of ACTH?
A) most cells
B) thyroid gland
C) mammary glands
D) adrenal cortex✔️

10. Adrenaline is...
A) produced by the adrenal cortex
B) also called epinephrine✔️
C) released when the parasympathetic        nervous system is stimulated
D) none of the above      

11. A dietary deficiency of iodine would do which of the following?
a) Directly affect the synthesis of Thyroglobulin
b) Result in increased secretion of Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)✔️
c) Result in decreased production of Thyrotropin releasing hormone
d) Result in increased basal metabolic rate
e) Raise the blood pressure and heart rate

12. Which of the following acts to increase the release of Ca ++ from the endoplasmic reticulum?
a) Diacylglycerol (DAG)
b) Inositol tri phosphate✔️
c) Parathyroid hormone
D) Calcitonin
e) 1, 25- Dihydroxycholecalciferol (1, 25-DHC)

13. Which of the following stimulates the synthesis of milk protein?
a) Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
b) Prolactin (PRL)✔️
c) Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
d) Growth hormone (GH)
e) FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone)

14. The release of which of the following is inhibited by thyroxine?
b) PRL
c) TSH✔️
d) GH
e) FSH

15. Which of the following hormones promotes hypoglycemia?
a) Epinephrine
b) Nor epinephrine
c) Insulin✔️
d) Growth hormone
e) Glucagon

16. Increased reabsorption of water from kidney is the major consequence of which of the following hormones?
a) Cortisol
b) Insulin
c) Vasopressin✔️
d) Glucagon
e) Aldosterone

17. Lack of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids might be a consequence of which of the following defects in the adrenal cortex?
a) Estrone deficiency
b) Testosterone deficiency
c) 17-α hydroxy progesterone deficiency
d) Androstenedione deficiency
e) C 21- hydroxylase deficiency✔️

18. Which of the following hormones can cause hyperglycemia without known effects on glycogen or gluconeogenesis?
a) Thyroxine✔️
b) Epinephrine
c) Glucocorticoids
d) Glucagon
e) Growth hormone

19. Which of the following statements best describes Insulin?
a) Its action is antagonistic to that of Glucagon✔️
b) It is a small peptide composed of a single chain bridged by disulfide groups
c) It does not have a prohormone form
d) It promotes glucose absorption from  intestine and renal tubular cells
e) It has a direct role in the uptake of glucose in nerve and red blood cells

20. Which of the following is noted in Cushing’s syndrome, a disease of adrenal cortex?
a) Decreased production of epinephrine
b) Excessive production of vasopressin
c) Excessive production of cortiso✔️
d) Decreased production of cortisol
e) Deceased production of Norepinephrine

21. Which of the following statements best describes the mechanism of action of sex hormones?
a) They bind specific membrane receptors
b) They interact with DNA directly
c) They cause release of second messenger from the cell membrane
d) They enhance transcription when bound to receptors✔️
e) They inhibit translation through specific cytoplasmic proteins

22. Which of the following stimulates the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum?
a) LH✔️
b) PRL
c) TSH
d) GH
e) FSH

23. Which of the following pituitary hormones will increase if communication from the hypothalamus is severed?
a) GH
b) TSH
c) PRL✔️
d) Vasopressin
e) Cortisol

24. Which of the following hormones is associated with diuresis?
a) Oxytocin
b) Vasopressin
c) Prolactin
d) Estrogen
e) None of the above✔️

25. A 72year-old woman is transferred to intensive care unit after she is found to be in septic shock. It is believed that she originally had a urinary tract infection and that the bacteria seeded her blood stream. The critical care fellow is concerned she may not have an adequate stress response in this situation. He orders a cosyntropin test, which evaluates the body’s ability to produce which of the following hormones?
a) Oxytocin
b) Vasopressin
c) Cortisol✔️
d) Corticotropin releasing hormone
e) Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

26. Which of the following hormones is secreted in response to Angiotensin II?
a) Cortisol
b) Aldosterone✔️
c) Thyroxin
d) Estrogen
e) FSH              

27. Which plant hormone is responsible for saving the crops from falling.
A. Cytokinin
B. Gybberellin
C. Auxin✔️
D. Ethylene                                 

28. Which of the following hormone is found in gaseous form?
A. Florigens
B. Abscisic Acid
C. Ethylene✔️
D. Auxin                                     

29. Name the plant hormone which is responsible for the ripening of fruits?
A. Ethylene✔️
B. Auxin
C. Traumatic
D. Cytokinins                               

30. Which plant hormone is helpful in making RNA and protein?
A. Gibberellins
B. Auxin
C. Cytokinins✔️  
D. Ethylene                                   

31. Name the plant hormone which increases the activity of cambium in the wooden plants?
A. Gibberellins✔️
B. Cytokinins
C .Auxins
D. Ethylene
32. Which of the following hormone help in the cell division and development in the presence of auxins?
A. Ethylene
B. Cytokinins✔️
C. Auxins
D. Florigens                                  

33. Which plant hormone is formed in injured cells by which the injury of plant is healed?
A. Florigens
B. Traumatic✔️
C. Abscisic Acid
D. None of the above

34. Which hormone is formed in leaves and helps in the blooming of the flowers?
A. Traumatic
B. Auxin
C. Florigens✔️
D. None of the above                  

35. Which plant hormone helps in breaking the dormancy of plant?
A. Auxin
B. Gibberellin✔️
C. Cytokinin
D. Ethylene                      

36. Concentration of the urine is controlled by - - - 
B) ADH✔️
C) Oxytocin

37. Male and female brains have structural differences in which of the following?
A) Corpus callosum
B) Hypothalamus
C) Cerebral cortex
D) Thalamus
E) All of these✔️    

38. The first hormone isolated (1902) was
a)  thyroxine
b) vasopressin
c)  secretin✔️
d) adrenaline

39. Metabolic rate in mammals is controlled by 
a) pancreas
b) Liver
c) Thyroid✔️
d)  Pituitary

40. Islets of Langerhans are found in
a) Liver
b) Spleen
c) Pancreas✔️
d) Pituaitry

41. Myxoedema in adults is caused due to
a)  Hyperthyrodism
b) Deficiency of PTH
c)  over production of PTH
d)  Deficiency of thyroid hormone✔️

42. Testosterone is secreted by
a) Leydig cells✔️
b) Sertoli cells
c)  Histocyte
d)  Primary spermatocyte

43. HCG is secreted by
a) placenta✔️
b) Ovary
c) Thymus
d) Thyroid

44. Diabetes mellitus is due to the deficiency of
a) Insulin✔️
b) LH
c) FSH
d) Glucogon

45. Cushing syndrome is due to the hyper secretion of
a) Adrenal cortex✔️
b) Thyroid
c) Pituitary
d) Adrenal medulla

46. Oxytoxin stimulates the contraction of
a)  lung
b) Ovary
c)  Heart
d)  Uterus✔️

47. Goitre is caused by
a)  Excess secretion of thyroxin
b) Deficiency of iodine✔️
c)  Over eating
d)  Defective growth 

48. উদ্ভিদের ফোটোট্রপিক চলনে বিশেষ ভুমিকা গ্রহন করে 
A সাইটোকাইনিন   
b.অক্সিন   ✔️             
d. ইথিলিন

49. সাইটোকাইনিন পাওয়া যায়
a. টম্যাটোর রসে  ✔️
b. পাতার পরিপক্ব বীজে               
c. মূলের অগ্রভাগে 
d. পাতায়

50. কোন হরমোন রক্ত শর্করা কমায় ?
ক. গ্লুকাগন 
খ. ইনসুলিন ✔️
গ. থাইরক্সিন 
ঘ. থাইরোক্যালসিটোনিন

51. কোন গ্রন্থিকে প্রভুগ্রন্থি বলা হয় ?
ক. থাইরয়েড 
খ. পিটুইটারি ✔️
গ. অগ্ন্যাশয়

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