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1. A camera always has
a) Lens
b) Reels
c) Flash
d) Stand

2. A bomb is dropped at a point from a moving aeroplane. The pilot observes that-------
a) the bomb traverses a curved path and falls somee distance behind that point
b) the bomb traverses a curved path and falls some distance ahead
c) the bomb drops vertically downward
d) the bomb remains stationary in the air for some time

3. Which of the following is used in beauty parlours for hair setting?
a) Chlorine
b) Sulphur
c) Phosphorus
d) Silicon

4. Which of the following fertilizers has more nitrogen content?
a) Urea
b) Ammonium Nitrate
c) Potassium Nitrate
d) Ammonium Phosphate

5. Good absorbers of heat are
a) poor emitters
b) non-emittors
c) good emitters
d) highly polished

6. Ventilators are provided at the top of the room
a) to bring oxygen for breathing
b) so that sunlight may enter the room
c) to maintain convectional currents to keep the air fresh in the room
d) to provide an outlet for carbon dioxide

7. Voice of your friend can be recognized by its
a) pitch
b) quality
c) intensity
d) velocity

8. Light year is
a) light emitted by sun in one year
b) time taken by light to travel from Sun to Earth
c) the distance travelled by light in free space in one year
d) time taken by earth to go once around the Sun

9. Twinkling of stars is on account of
a) large distance of stars and storms in air
b) rotation of earth
c) large size of stars
d) large distance of stars and fluctuations in the density of air

10. Select the one having pH < 7
a) Lemon juice
b) Lime water
c) Human blood
d) Antacid

11. To protect tootch decay we are advised to brush our teeth regularly. The nature of the toothpaste commonly used is
a) acidic
b) neutral
c) basic
d) corrosive 

12. Which one of the following is the main ingradient in cement?
a) Gypsum
b) Limestone
c) Clay
d) Ash

13. Brass is a mixture of
a) Copper & Zinc
b) Copper & Tin
c) Copper , Nickel & Zinc
d) Copper , Aluminium & Mg

14. Two cars, passing each other at high speed, are in danger of side swiping because
a) of the increasing in air pressure in the space between them
b) of decrease in the velocity of air molecules between them
c) of decrease in air pressure in the space between them
d) of the increase in the velocity of air molecules between them

15. The food that gives more calories per unit mass of food i
a) protein
b) carbonhydrates
c) fat
d) water

16. ECG records
a) rate of heart beats
b) potential difference
c) ventricular concentration
d) volume of blood pumped

17. Bio gas consists of
a) Carbon monoxide, Methane and Hydrogen
b) Carbon dioxide, Methane and Hydrogen
c) Carbon monoxide, Ethane and Hydrogen
d) Carbon dioxide, Ethane and Hydrogen

18. Noise pollution is created if noise is in excess to
a) 70 - 75 dB
b) 50 - 60 dB
c) 80 - 99 dB
d) 40 - 65 dB

19. If persons addicted to alcohol , the liver gets damaged because it
a) has to detoxify the alcohol
b) stores excess of glycon
c) is over stimulated to secrete more bile
d) accumulates excess of fats

20. At magnetic poles, the angle of dip is
a) 45 degree
b) 30 degree
c) Zero
d) 90 degree 

21. The term PVC used in plastic industry stands for
a) Polyvinyl Chloride
b) Polyvinyl carbonate
c) Phosphor Vanadium Chloride
d) Phospho Vinyl Chloride

22. Deficiency of Vitamin-D results in
a) night blindness 
b) rickets
c) scurvy    
c) hairfall

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