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1. Which among the following minerals is also known as Horn Silver? 
A. Silver Iodide 
B. Silver Chlroride 
C. Zinc Phosphate 
D. Silver Sulphide
Answer : B ✔️
2.Which among the following substances is being used most commonly for producing synthetic jet Fuel? 
A. Coal 
B. Natural Gas 
C. Plastic Waste 
D. Biom
Answer : A ✔️
3. An aqueous solution of Sodium Acetate will be of which among the following nature? 
A. Acidic 
B. Basic 
C. Neutral 
D. Either acidic or basic depending upon temperature of solution
Answer : B ✔️
4. Consider the following particles in relation to the matter: 
1. π-Meson (Pi-meson)
2. Photon Which among the above are considered to be mass less and chargeless? 
A. Only 1 
B. Only 2 
C. Both 1 & 2 
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer : B ✔️
5. Above 70 °C, sodium bicarbonate has a property of gradually decomposing, which makes it usable in Bakery products. Which among the following end product of this Thermal decomposition of Sodium bicarbonate makes it usable for the above purpose? 
A. Hydrogen 
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Water Vapor 
D. Sodium Carbonate
Answer : B ✔️[Notes: Above 70 °C, sodium bicarbonate gradually decomposes into sodium carbonate, water and carbon dioxide as follows – 2 NaHCO3 → Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2, In bakery, it reacts with other components or decomposes at higher temperature to release carbon dioxide, which causes dough to rise.]
6. Polymetallic Modules (PMN) predominantly contain_____? 
A. Calcium 
B. Magnesium 
C. Manganese 
D. Copper
Answer : C ✔️
7. Acetylene cannot be safely pressurized as a pure compound. Which among the following is used for safe storage and transportation of Acetylene? 
A. Kerosene 
B. Acetone 
C. Vinegar (Acetic Acid) 
D. Propylene glycol
Answer : B ✔️
8. The colors in the fine cut diamond are because of which among the following? 
A. Variance in transparency of diamond 
B. Variance in index of refraction 
C. Presence of Impurities 
D. Existence of definite planer layers
Answer : C✔️[Notes: Pure diamond should transmit visible light and appear as a clear colorless crystal. Colors in diamond originate from lattice defects and impurities. The diamond crystal lattice is exceptionally strong and only atoms of nitrogen, boron and hydrogen can be introduced into diamond during the growth at significant concentrations (up to atomic percents). Nitrogen gives yellowish color while the Boron gives bluish color.]
9. Aluminum is getting popular worldwide today as a “Green Metal”. Which among the following properties of Aluminum makes it a Green Metal? 
A. Aluminumhas been providing a replacement of wood for saving forests and contributes in environment protection 
B. Aluminum is a light metal and it is resistant to corrosion 
C. Aluminum has fairly high rate of recycling and it can be re-used repeatedly without its quality deteriorating 
D. The lands after the Bauxite mining can be restored very quickly and easily
Answer : C ✔️
10. Benzoepin, Parrysulfan, Phaser, Thiodan, Thionex etc. are the names of which among the following pesticides? 
A. Kepone 
B. Paraquat 
C. Endosulfan  
D. Toxaphene
Answer : C ✔️
11. Which among the following was first human-made plastic? 
A. Bakelite 
B. Polyethene 
C. Celluloid 
D. Nylon
Answer : C ✔️[Notes:  He first human-made plastic was made by Alexander Parkes in 1855, when he synthesized celluloid. The new discovery found its use in photographic films, but it could not be used for making containers or insulators for electric circuits.
The first true plastic was made in 1909 by Leo Baekeland, who synthesized Bakelite. The hard plastic could be used to make handles, auto parts, etc. The First World War witnessed improvements in the manufacture of polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride, which found use in plumbing equipment and electric wire insulation. Nylon was synthesized in the 1930s. By 1950, plastics became quite popular and as a result we can see them everywhere today]
12. Which of the following substances undergo ‘sublimation’ on heating 
A. 1 and 2 
B. 1 and 3 
C. 2 and 3 
D. All of them
Answer : D ✔️
13. The Potassium graphite and Calcium Graphite can be mostly used as which among the following? 
A. Moderators 
B. Semiconductors 
C. Superconductors 
D. Lubricants
Answer : C ✔️
14. Gammaxene, D.D.T. and Bleaching powder are important compounds of : 
A. Chlorine 
B. Nitrogen 
C. Sulphur 
D. Phosphorus
Answer : A ✔️
15. Which among the following is the correct impact of the London Forces in the Cycloalkanes? 
A. The melting and boiling points get increased 
B. The Melting and boiling points get decreased 
C. There is not impact on the melting and boiling points 
D. The melting point increases but boiling point decreases
Answer : A ✔️[Notes: Please note that the Cycloalkanes with more than 20 carbon atoms are called Cycloparaffins. The cycloalkanes have the same properties as the alkanes but they have `Higher Boiling & Melting points`. This is because of the stronger dispersion forces between the atoms known as London Forces.]
16. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a drug used as a : 
A. Steroid 
B. Sedative 
C. Analgesic 
D. Hallucinogen
Answer : D✔️
17. Gargling with a solution of table salt is known to provide relief for a sore throat because ____ ?
A. It kills bacteria
B. It works as analgesic
C. It dehydrates water from inflammatory tissues by Osmosis
D. Placebo effect
Answer : C ✔️
18. L.P.G. is a hydrocarbon consisting of a mixture of : 
A. Methane and Butane 
B. Propane and Butane 
C. Ethane and Propane 
D. Ethane and Butane
Answer : B ✔️
19. Amalgam’ is a term used for an alloy of a metal with : 
A. Copper 
B. Mercury 
C. Lead 
D. Aluminium
Answer : B ✔️
20. What is Kerogen oil?
A. Its an unconventional oil produced from the pyrolysis, hydrogenation, or thermal dissolution of Oil Shales
B. Its a light crude oil contained in petroleum-bearing formations of shales
C. Its an unconventional oil produced from the pyrolysis, hydrogenation, or thermal dissolution of environmental wastes
D. It’s a new form of vegetable oil prepared artificially in laboratory
Answer : A ✔️
21. Consider the following statements: 
1. Copernicium is at present highest-numbered element recognized by IUPAC
2. Copernicum has been synthesized in the lab by a nuclear reaction of Zinc and Lead Isotopes 
Which among the above statements is are correct?
A. Only 1 is correct
B. Only 2 is correct
C. Both 1 & 2 are correct
D. Neither 1 nor 2 are correct
Answer : C ✔️
22. A baby diaper, if tested with various solutions, will absorb maximum amount of which among the following: 
A. Distill Water 
B. Drinking water 
C. Hard water 
D. Urine
Answer : A ✔️
23. Consider the following statements regarding Graphene and Fullerene:
1. Graphene is 2 dimensional , Fullerene is generally 3 dimensional
2. Graphene is SP2 allotrope of Carbon, while Fullerene is SP3 allotrope of Carbon
3. Graphene does not dissolve in petrol but fullerenes dissolve
Which among the above statements is / are correct?
A. Only 1 is correct
B. Only 2 is correct
C. Only 3 is correct
D. 1 & 3 are correct
Answer : D ✔️
24. Pyrolusite, Braunite, Psilomelane and Rhodochrosite are the ores of which among the following: 
1. Manganese 
2. Aluminium 
3. Copper 
Choose the correct option:
A. Only 1
B. Only 1 & 2
C. Only 3
D. Only 1 & 3
Answer : A ✔️
25. Now a days, a little pack of Silica Gel (granular beads of Silica made from Sodium Silicate) comes with many products to control humidity and avoid spoilage or degradation of some goods. Which among the following property of Silica gel makes it useful for that purpose?
A. Silica gel molecules are hydrophilic with large surface area and so its molecules trap the moisture
B. Silica gel is a Hygroscopic substance with large surface area so its molecules absorb the moisture.
C. Silica gel molecules are with a portion that is charge-polarized and capable of hydrogen bonding, thus bonds with the water molecules
D. The semi permeable pouch in which silica gel is placed absorbs the moisture which later reacts with water.
Answer : B ✔️
26. The first metal to be used by man was: 
A. Aluminum 
B. copper 
C. Iron 
D. Silver
Answer : B ✔️
27. Which among the following is the correct almost equivalent to 1 MMBTU Natural Gas ?
A. 1.054615 gigajoule
B. 0.1054615 gigajoul
C. 10.54615 gigajoule
D. 105.4615 gigajoule
Answer : A ✔️
28. The minimum temperature at which a combustible substance catches fire is called:
A. fireless temperature
B. ignition temperature
C. static temperature
D. optimum temperature
Answer : B ✔️
29. Consider the following statements: 
1. The space between the valence and conduction bands is zero in Graphene
2. This property of Graphene makes it an excellent transistor of commercial viability
Which among the above statements is are correct?
A. Only 1
B. Only 2
C. Both 1 & 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer : A ✔️
30. For respiration in deep sea, divers use mixture of:
A. Oxygen and helium
B. Oxygen and hydrogen
C. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
D. Oxygen, Helium & nitrogen
Answer : D ✔️
Provide by--Kazi Sir✔️

To be continued on…

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