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1️⃣ Which one of the following years is regarded as the base year for construction of the Wholesale Price Index in India?
(A) 2011-12
(B) 2005-06
(C) 1990-91
(D) 2000-01

2️⃣  Liberalization of Indian Economy started from---
(A) 1995
(B) 1988
(C) 1991
(D) 1985

3️⃣ What is capital?
(A) Capital is produced means of production
(B) None of the above
(C) Money is capital
(D) Machinery and building capital

4️⃣ Bank rate is an instrument of---
(A) Reducing Deficit Financing
(B) Increasing Tax Revenue
(C) Credit Control
(D) Reducing Fiscal Deficit

5️⃣ VAT is imposed on---
(A) The value added at each stage of production of a commodity  
(B) Aggregate value in terms of cost of production of the producer of a commodity
(C) The final consumer of a commodity
(D) Total value added at the final stage production of a commodity. 

6️⃣ Name the programme of poverty alleviation launched the Government of India which was immensely benefited the rural poor--------
(A) National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme.
(B) Food for Work programme
(C) Jawhar Rojgar Yojona
(D) Indira Gandhi Rural Housing Programme

7️⃣ The objective of TRYSEM is -----
(A) Training for Self-employment of Woman
(B) Prepare child development programme
(C) Training of Rural Youth for Self-employment
(D) Self-employment of Urban Youth

 8️⃣ National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme gives the right to employment for---
(A) 100 days a year
(B) 30 days a year
(C) 110 days a year
(D) 120 days a year

 9️⃣ In India, the Repo rate is announced by 
(A) the Reserve Bank of India
(B) the President of India
(C) the Ministry of Finance, Government of India
(D) the Prime Minister of India

🔟 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on
(A) August 14, 1947
(B) October 20, 1962
(C) December 10, 1948
(D) January 26, 1950


1️⃣ Deficit financing of a plan normally has ➡
(A) A stabilizing effect on the economy
(B) A neutral effect on the economy
(C) An inflationary effect on the economy
(D) A deflationary effect on the economy

2️⃣ Land Reforms refers to the government's efforts at
 (A) regulating land prices
(B) regulating land use
(C) abolishing ownership rights of non-cultivating landlords
(D) making the ownership rights of landlords more secure

3️⃣ What is meant by TRIPS?
(A) Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights
(B) Proportionate Tariff rule
(C) Laws relating to a tax rebate
(D) Trade-related laws

4️⃣ Marginal workers are people with 
(A) only 183 days of work in a census year
(B) More than 183 days of work in a census year
(C) Less than 183 days of work in a census year
(D) None of the above

5️⃣ Peasant farming means ---
(A) Cultivation is done by hired labor
(B) None of the above
(C) The tenant cultivates the land
(D) The cultivator is the landowner

6️⃣ Tertiary sector activities include
(A) Construction activities
(B) Infrastructure services
(C) Cottage industries
(D) Mining activities

7️⃣ The index of poverty is prepared on the basis of----
(A) Subsistence level of consumption expenditure
(B) Employment situation
(C) Assets distribution
(D) Income distribution

8️⃣ Industrial credit is available from---
(A) SFCs
(D) All of the above

9️⃣ Government of India has started selling a share of selected public sectors from the year
(A) 1994
(B) 1997
(C) 1992
(D) 1993

🔟 World Trade Organisation (WTO) directed LDCs including India to
(A) increase liberalization and co-operation in the foreign trade sector
(B) bring in exchange control measures
(C) impose export subsidy
(D) None of the above


1️⃣ When was the recommendation of the States Reorganis4tion Act in West Bengal implemented?
(B) 1957
C) 1954
(D) 1955

2️⃣ The Chairman of 15th Finance Commission was -
(A) Mahavir Tyagi
(B) N. K. Sing
(C) K.C. Panth
(D) Manmohan Singh

3️⃣ In terms of Human Development Index, India falls under the following category
(A) Low
(B) Very Low
(C) High
(D) Medium

4️⃣ In the second industrial policy of 1956, industries were divided into
(A) Four classes
(B) six classes
(C) Two classes
(D) Three classes

 5️⃣ In the financing of the Indian plans, indirect taxes have played
(A) A less important role compared to that of direct taxes
(B) A less important role compared to that of deficit financing
(C) A very important role
(D) A negligible role

6️⃣ Which of the following factors is most important for the future industrial development of India?
(A) Huge investment is to be undertaken by the investor class
(B) None of the above
(C) Maintenance of industrial peace
(D) Creation of adequate infrastructural facilities

7️⃣ In which of the following plans did India experience to successive wars?
(A) Fourth Five Year Plan
(B) Fifth Five Year Plan
(C) Second Five Year Plan
(D) Third Five Year Plan

8️⃣ Which one, out of the following, is not the objective of Indian Planning?
(A) Self-reliance
(B) Productive employment generation
(C) Industrial growth
(D) Population growth 

9️⃣ According to Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), India is
(A) Fourth largest economy
(B) Seventh largest economy
(C) Tenth largest economy
(D) Third largest economy

🔟 The Mahalanobis strategy of Indian Planning gave emphasis to the growth of
(A) Heavy Capital Goods Industrial sector 
(B) Small Scale Village Industrial sector
(C) Agricultural sector
(D) Services sector


1️⃣ Which of the following increases continuously with increase in production?
(A) Average cost
(B) Marginal cost
(C) Fixed cost
(D) Variable cost

2️⃣ Bank Rate is the rate
(A) The rate at which banks lend to the Industrial Financial Institutions
(B) None of the above
(C) At which banks lend money to the depositors
(D) At which Reserve Bank of India lends money to Commercial

3️⃣ Which of the following is not required while considering GNP (Gross National Product)?
(A) Per capita income of 
(B) Net foreign investment 
(C) Purchase of goods by Government
(D) Private investment

4️⃣ Which of the following taxes is within the jurisdiction of the Central Government?
(A) Land Revenue
(B) Excise on alcoholic liquors
(C) Corporation Tax
(D) Professional Tax

 5️⃣ Which of the following experienced the fastest expansion during the plan period in India?
(A) Services
(B) Industry 
(C) Agriculture
(D) None of the above

6️⃣ In the wake of the Stockholm Conference, the Government of India set up the National Committee on Environmental Planning and Coordination in the year
(A) 1985
(B) 1990
(C) 1972 
(D) 1980

7️⃣ An economy may be analytically classified into —
(A) Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors 
(B) Primary, Manufacturing and Transport Sectors
(C) Agriculture, Industry, and transport
(D) Agriculture, Manufacturing, and Services

8️⃣ Structural Adjustment Policy was introduced by India on taking a loan from
(A) Asian Development Bank
(B) European Union
(D) World Bank

9️⃣ The Community Development Programme aims at
(A) Optimum utilization of rural resources
(B) integrated rural development
(C) Providing educational facilities to rural people
(D) Providing health care facilities to rural people

🔟 Which of the following is not a method of estimating the national income of a country?
(A) Expenditure method
(B) Income-import method
(C) Product method
(D) Income method

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